Doug Ball: "Conlanging and the Linear Aspects of Syntax"

Bio: Doug Ball is originally from Colorado, where he was residing when he began work on Skerre at the age of 13. This language has been his conlanging focus for close to 12 years now, though he has worked on a few other, less involved, side projects over the years. He is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Linguistics at Stanford University, where his research has focused on matters such as noun incorporation and argument realization in the Polynesian languages, and consonant clusters in the Native American language Wichita.
Jeff Burke: "Language as Growth-in-Time"

Bio: Jeff S. Burke is from central Indiana, and holds a BA in Music from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. He has worked as a sound engineer for the last five years in the Indianapolis area. Among his many interests are the Algonquian and Iroquoian language families, which he has spent more than a decade studying and lusting after in his quest to build a conlang family of his own.
Sally Caves: "The Medium and the Internet Conlanger: Vision, Venue, and Play"

Bio: B.A. in English from Scripps College, 1975, Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1983, Fulbright Hays Grant to Wales; taught at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, from 1984-1986, and at the University of Rochester, NY from 1986 to present. Author of Between Languages: Old English and Early Welsh Poetry, Penn State 1993; co-editor of a volume of essays: Nothing That Is: Millennial Cinema and the Blair Witch Controversies, Wayne State, 2004; published articles on Old and Middle English, Middle Welsh, Old Norse, teratology, science and mythology, television and film studies, conlanging; book on Hildegard of Bingen's Lingua Ignota under scrutiny at Palgrave; work in progress on A Genealogy of Language Invention. Published science fiction and fantasy, and two aired teleplays (Star Trek: TNG and Star Trek: DS9). Interests: art, calligraphy, book-making, creative writing, singing, composition.
John E. Clifford: "Semantic Primes: aUI to Esperanto with Stops Along the Way"

Bio: John E. Clifford (Parks-Clifford -- whence his sobriquets in Loglan and Lojban, pc and pycyn -- for the duration of one wife) received a BA from Michigan State, then spent a year at Princeton before settling in at UCLA for a decade. In that time he acquired an MA in Linguistics and a PhD in Philosophy (dissertation on natural language tense and tense logic). He spent 33 years in the Philosophy Department of the University of Missouri - St. Louis, teaching Logic (from Critical Thinking through Goedel), Asian Philosophy, and Philosphy of Religion , and occasionally other things that needed teaching. He was an Esperantist from his second year at Exeter, though mainly lapsed. He first worked with Loglan in 1960 (after the Scientific American article) as a contribution to the machine translation program at RAND. When Loglan reemerged in 1975, he reupped, becoming the first editor of The Loglanist, a member of the board of The Loglan Institute and eventually Vice-President, then President. He joined the Logical Language Group in the mid-80s and has participated actively in the development of Lojban, mainly advocating more logic in keeping with his early exposure -- under Carnap and the like -- to the notion of a logically perfect language. He was involved with aUI while sabbaticating on Iowa and has recently taken up toki pona and a good old Logical Positivist examination of NSM. He is still looking for an empirically testable hypothesis that comes close to the informal proposals of Sapir and Whorf.
Sai: "Non-Linear Fully 2-Dimensional Writing Systems"

Bio: Sai is the sole organizer of this conference, two-time teacher of the Conlangs DE-Cal course, and founder of the LiveJournal Conlangs community. He is finishing his B.A. in Cognitive Science at UC Berkeley, with plans to move to Japan and teach English in the near future. Sai can converse in English, Russian, Spanish, French, American Sign Language, and Japanese, and has some rusty knowledge of Mandarin and Arabic. He is currently employed as a consultant by Medtronic Inc., working on nondisclosable international projects; former jobs have included database design, systems administration, SAT tutoring, programming, and massage therapy. He currently lives in Oakland CA with his roommate and cat, and is interested such things as wordplay, massage, empathy, music, good food, computers, neuroscience, linguistics, meditation, hiking, energy work, and (of course) in seeing how far the boundaries of language creation can be pushed - with an eye towards effecting cognitive change and empowerment.
Matt Pearson: "Case, Aspect, and Argument Structure: One Conlanger's Investigations"

Bio: Matt Pearson is an assistant professor of linguistics at Reed College, in Portland, Oregon. He specializes in syntactic theory and cross-linguistic variation, with an emphasis on the structure of Malagasy. He has been creating artlangs, and collecting examples of artlangs from SF/F literature, for many years. While completing his PhD at UCLA, Matt was hired to design the alien 'hive' language for the short-lived NBC show "Dark Skies", and also did dubbing and dialogue coaching for the show.
David Peterson: "Down with Morphemes: What Word and Paradigm Morphology Can Teach Us About Language Creation"

Whether this view of language is accurate or not is not relevant to language creation, per se. What is relevant is how useful a morpheme-based account is to language creation. In this talk I will argue that a morpheme-based account of language is detrimental to the creation of a naturalistic language. As an alternative, I will summarize the basic principles behind Word and Paradigm Morphology--a non-morpheme-based approach to linguistic analysis--and demonstrate how the insights gained from Word and Paradigm Morphology can help to create a more naturalistic conlang. After all, as the present/past tense pair "take"/"took" shows, creating a language is more complicated -- and far more interesting--than merely coming up with a list of roots and affixes.
Bio: David J. Peterson received BA's in English and Linguistics from UC Berkeley, where he discovered language creation via a class on Esperanto. Since then, he's made it a goal of his to learn more about language and linguistics in order to create more naturalistic languages. He's the author of seven or so languages (among them Zhyler and Kamakawi), and is currently a graduate student of linguistics at UCSD.
John Quijada: "Applying Concepts from Cognitive Linguistics to Your Conlang"

Bio: John Quijada is the creator of Ithkuil, a philosophical language he worked on over the course of 25 years (before any internet or any realization on his part that there were other conlangers in the world besides Tolkien, Ursula LeGuin, and Christian Vander). Ithkuil has gained a fair degree of notoriety among conlangers and others since its debut on the Web two years ago. Ithkuil is particularly popular in Russia after being featured in a Russian-language popular science magazine article; in fact, one fan has recently completed posting of a Russian translation of the Ithkuil website. John has a degree in linguistics, speaks five languages, and has just finished co-authoring a novel with his brother exploring the philosophical implications of quantum physics and cognitive science. In addition to conlanging, he enjoys a wide range of hobbies and pastimes including travel, gourmet cooking, eclectic literature, sci-fi, classical and world music, art, art-house cinema, electronic (MIDI) music synthesis, amateur astronomy, amateur protozoology, and cats.
Panel: Conlang Teaching
In recent years, language creation has started to be taught in earnest at the college level. This panel will discuss the future of conlanging classes, how they could be used to teach introductory and advanced linguistics, creative writing, etc., and the panelists' experiences with teaching, participating in, or behind-the-scenes lobbying on behalf of such classes.
Panel: Conlang Aesthetics
Within the field of language creation, there are many different specialties. This panel will discuss what they are, and what the goals, desiderata, and aesthetics are of the various "schools" of conlanging.