Language Creation Society Podcast

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2nd Language Creation Conference
Berkeley, CA - 7-8 July 2007
Links & Press

Event Schedule
LCC2 Program (pdf)
LCC2 Relay (offsite)


Shirts etc

Events Schedule

Friday, July 6

Meetup at Sather Gate / guided tour around UC Berkeley & area - 1:30pm
Dinner at Long Life Vegi House - 5pm

Saturday, July 7

Opening - 8am

Morning session - 9am
David Salo - Giving Historical Depth to Language Construction
John Quijada - Language Personalities: How the Interplay of Phonology, Phonotactics and Morpho-phonology Creates a Linguistic Aesthetic
Lila Sadkin - Tenata: Dissolving Lexical Categories
Jim Henry - Glossotechnia

Lunch / (Language Game) Glossotechnia - 1pm

Afternoon session - 1:45pm
David J. Peterson - The Evolution of Sidaan
Donald Boozer - Drushek: The Sound of No Voice Speaking
(Workshop) Conlanging 101: Intro & Advanced Vocabulary Generation
(Panel) Applications of Language Creation in Pedagogy
Time for any followup questions of anyone not yet asked

Close - 5pm

Dinner off campus - 6pm

Sunday, July 8

Opening - 8am

Morning session - 9am
Jeff Burke - Reverse engineering of phonological change
John Clifford - The Problems with Success: What happens when an opinionated conlang meets its speakers
Sylvia Sotomayor - Verblessness in Kelen
Gabriel Koulikov - The Linguistic Reinforcement of Worldview: Lexical/phonological structure and grammatical paradigms in Baseline Bipentahexadecimal
James Gang - My Right-Brain Verbotomy: How creating invented words changed the way I think

Lunch / (Language Game) Verbotomy - 1pm

Afternoon session - 1:45pm
Clint Hutchison - Universal Semantic Markers
(Panel) Conlang Relay
Time for any followup questions of anyone not yet asked
(Panel) Incorporating Conlangs into Your Life

Close - 5pm

Dinner off campus - 6pm